Making Meaning: Using Stories to Heal, Broaden, and Reclaim our Lives

$250 | 5-weeks | Sundays | No drop-ins 

Group led by Kelsey Hoeper, LPC, NCC, CT

book and compass on table

This 5-week group is intended for those who are interested in writing, storytelling, activating meaning, creativity, and growth. Special emphasis on questioning normality, reclaiming and re-storying our lives in the face of trauma, and engaging with strengths and inner resources.

No drop-ins.

UPDATE: Group will now be held virtually due to rising Covid-19 cases in the Chicago-land area. Participants must have access to a computer or mobile device with a stable internet connection for these Telehealth group therapy sessions.

Maximum of 10 participants. Group runs with 5 or more.

This group may be billable to your health insurance. Contact us for more information or to register.

Chicago Mindful Psychotherapy is now Andersonville Mindfulness & Psychology